Work Packages

WP 1: Conversion efficiency of microgenerators, converting thermal/mechanical energy into electrical energy.

  • Develop traceable metrology for the evaluation of conversion efficiency in micro-generators

WP 2: Figure of merit of macroscopic thermoelectric reference materials

  • Development of precise, traceable measurement methods and suitable measuring system for the determination of the Seebeck coefficient of macroscopic thermoelectric bulk materials
  • Certification of reference materials for Seebeck coefficients

WP 3: Metrology for nanostructured thermoelectric

  • Develop reliable, accurate metrology of thermoelectric materials properties below 100nm scale using a variety of devices, e.g. thin-films and nanostructured bulk sample
  • Assess accuracy against traceable measurement devloped in WP2

WP 4: Piezoelectric and magnetic materials for energy harvesting from macro to nano-scale devices

  • Develop reliable, traceable metrologies for the evaluation of the electro/magneto-mechanical coupling in piezo and magnetic materials and structures for energy harvesting applications

WP 5: Traceability for small non-sinusoidal signals

  • Develop measurements of non-sinusoidal, aperiodic and nonstationary electrical energy output
  • Develop traceability fo SI


Please contact Energy-Harvesting to find out more.