- Juan Galindo-Santos, Mercedes Alcón-Camas, Ana Carrasco-Sanz, Sonia Martín-López y Pedro Corredera, Desarrollo de patrones de frecuencia en el IR basados en láseres de diodo, Development of IR frequency standards based on laser diodes, Opt. Pura Apl. 45 (2) 221-231 (2012)
- Pedro Corredera, Juan Galindo-Santos, Mercedes Alcón-Camas, Ana Carrasco-Sanz y Sonia Martín-López, Desarrollo de patrones de frecuencia ópticos para comunicaciones ópticas' 2 - Julio 2012 (
- Juan Galindo-Santos, Mercedes Alcon-Camas, Sonia Martin-Lopez, Ana Carrasco-Sanz and Pedro Corredera, Application of Brillouin scattering to optical frequency combs, 8434 Editor(s): Benjamin J. Eggleton; Alexander L. Gaeta; Neil G. Broderick [book contribution], ISBN: 9780819491268
- C. Hagemann, C. Grebing, T. Kessler, St. Falke, C. Lisdat, H. Schnatz, F. Riehle, and U. Sterr, Providing 10-16 short-term stability of a 1.5 µm laser to optical clocks, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 62, 1556-1562 (2013)
- S. M. F. Raupach, T. Legero, C. Grebing, Ch. Hagemann, T. Kessler, A. Koczwara, B. Lipphardt, M. Misera, H. Schnatz, G. Grosche, and U. Sterr, Subhertz-linewidth infrared frequency source with a long-term instability below 5×10-15, Appl. Phys. B 110, 465-470 (2013)
- T. Middelmann, S. Falke, C. Lisdat and U. Sterr, High Accuracy Correction of Blackbody Radiation Shift in an Optical Lattice Clock, Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 263004 (2012)
- W Zhang, M Lours, M Fischer, R Holzwarth, G Santarelli, Y Le Coq, Characterizing a fiber-based frequency comb with electro-optic modulator, IEEE Trans. Ultras., Ferroelec,.Freq. Ctr., 59, 432-438 (2012)
- W Maineult, c Deutsch, K Gibble, J Reichel, P Rosenbusch, Spin Waves and Collisional Frequency Shifts in a Trapped-Atom Clock, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 2, 020407 (2012)
- Deutsch C., Ramirez-Martinez F., Lacroute C., Maineult W., Reinhard F., Schneider T., Fuchs J.N.,Piechon F., Laloë F., Reichel J. Et Rosenbusch P, Effet favorable des interactions atomiques sur le temps de cohérence des horloges à atomes piégés, 29, Vol. 2012-1, 3-11
- M Zucco, L Robertsson, JP Wallerand, Laser-induced fluorescence as a tool to verify the reproducibility of iodine-based laser standards: a study of 96 iodine cells, Metrologia 50 (4), 402 (2013)
- Maurice Lessing, Helen S. Margolis, C. Tom A. Brown, Patrick Gill, and Giuseppe Marra, Suppression of amplitude-to-phase noise conversion in balanced optical-microwave phase detectors, Optics Express, 21, 27057 (2013)
- St. Falke and N. Lemke and Ch. Grebing and B. Lipphardt and St. Weyers and V. Gerginov and N. Huntemann and Ch. Hagemann and A. Al-Masoudi and S. Häfner and S. Vogt and U. Sterr and Ch. Lisdat, A strontium lattice clock with 3x10-17 inaccuracy and its frequency, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 16, 073023 (2014)
- C. Hagemann and C. Grebing and C. Lisdat and St. Falke and T. Legero and U. Sterr and F. Riehle and M. J. Martin and J. Ye, Ultrastable laser with average fractional frequency drift rate below 5 × 10−19/s, Optics Letters, 39, (17) pp 5102-5105 (2014)
- S. Amairi, T. Legero, T. Kessler, U. Sterr, J. B. Wübbena, O. Mandel, and P. O. Schmidt, Reducing the effect of thermal noise in optical cavities, Appl. Phys. B, 113, Issue 2, pp 233-242 (2013)
- Jeremias Seppä, Mikko Merimaa, Albert Manninen, Marco Triches, Jan Hald and Antti Lassila, Interference Cancellation for Hollow-Core Fiber Reference Cells, Submitted
- Vincent Dugrain, PhD thesis Metrology with Trapped Atoms on a Chip using Non-degenerate and Degenerate Quantum Gases, Published
- Q.-F. Chen, A. Nevsky, M. Cardace, S. Schiller, T. Legero, S. Häfner, A. Uhde and U. Sterr, A compact, robust, and transportable ultra-stable laser with a fractional frequency instability of 10-15, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 113107 (2014)
- M.Triches, M. Michieletto, J. Hald, J. K. Lyngsø, J. Lægsgaard and O. Bang, Optical frequency standard using acetylene-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers, Optics Express, 23, Issue 9, pp 11227-11241 (2015)
- Juan Galindo-Santos, Mercedes alcon-Camas, Sonia Martín-Lopez, Ana Carrasco-Sanz, Pedro Corredera, Generación de frecuencias ópticas de referencia mediante peines de frecuencia filtrados por amplificación Brillouin en fibra óptica, Simposio de Metrología (Mexico), Memorias 2012, Editor(s): Luis Omar Becerra Santiago, Carlos Alberto Galván Hernández, Vicente González Juárez, Luis Manuel Peña Pérez, pp 277-284, ISBN:978-607-96162-0-5 (2012)
- Juan Galindo-Santos,Fernando D. Senent, Francisco Prieto, Sonia Martín-Lopez, Ana Carrasco-Sanz, Pedro Corredera, Frecuencias de referencia ópticas generados mediante filtrado de un peine de frecuencias por amplificación Brillouin, Libro de comunicaciones de la VIII Reunión española de optoelectrónica, Editor: Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá, pp 128-133, ISBN: 978-84-88754-21-9 (2013)
- Pedro Corredera, Juan Galindo-Santos, Fernando D. Senent, Francisco Prieto, Ana Carrasco-Sanz, Sonia Martin-Lopez, Applications of a femtocomb laser optically filtered by stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber, SPIE Proceedings, Vol 8915, Editor(s): Pavel Cheben, Jens Schmid, Caroline Boudoux, Lawrence R. Chen, André Delâge, Siegfried Janz, Raman Kashyap, David J. Lockwood, Hans-Peter Loock, Zetian Mi
- F. D. Senent, J. Galindo-Santos, A. V. Velasco, P. Corredera, Fiber optics wavemeters calibration using a self-referenced optical frequency comb' 23rd ICO Conference, Editor: International Commission for Optics, ISBN:978-84-697-1027-2 (2014)
- Juan Galindo-Santos, Aitor V. Velasco, Pedro Corredera, Calibración de medidores de longitud de onda para telecomunicaciones usando un peine de frecuencias óptico auto-referenciado, Simposio de Metrología (Mexico), Memorias 2014, Editor(s): Luis Omar Becerra Santiago, Carlos Alberto Galván Hernández, Daniel Cárdenas García, Hector Alfonso Castillo Matadamas, Raúl Herrera Basurto, Luis Manuel Peña Pérez, pp 277-284, ISBN 978-607-96162-9-8 (2014)
- J. Galindo-Santos, A. V. Velasco, P. Corredera, Fibre optics wavemeters calibration using a self-referenced optical frequency comb, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 013104 (2015)
For more information: Patrick Gill