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Draft final project report

The final publishable report has not yet been formally approved by EURAMET. However, we have made available the submitted report as a draft. This report should not be cited as a reference. For more information, please contact Vere Smyth

Download MetroMRT draft final publishable report Adobe Acrobat file

Project completion

This project has now been completed.

Work is currently ongoing writing up the final results and reports, and these latest updates will be uploaded shortly with the final reports and recommendations, once completed.

Download publishable JRP Summary Report for JRP HLT11 MetroMRT Metrology for Molecular Radiotherapy Adobe Acrobat file

MetroMRT 3rd Workshop: Clinical implementation of dosimetry for molecular radiotherapy
20-21 April 2015 - NPL, Teddington

Agenda Adobe Acrobat file

(Linked downloadable presentations below are Adobe Acrobat pdf files, where Permission to Publish has been granted by the author.)

Day 1: 20 April

The MetroMRT project: towards a dosimetry protocol for MRT
Vere Smyth, NPL, UK

Analysis of the uncertainty in MRT dosimetry
Maurice Cox, NPL, UK

The official advice and requirements for MRT dosimetry: European Association of Nuclear Medicine Guidance Documents
Glenn Flux, EANM Dosimetry Committee, Royal Marsden Hospital / Institute of Cancer Research, UK

The IAEA BSS and development of an international dosimetry protocol
Gian Luca Poli, IAEA, Austria

Dosimetry as an element of radiation safety in nuclear medicine
Sören Mattsson, ICRP, Sweden

Guidance for best practice from MetroMRT
Lena Johansson, NPL, UK

The NUKDOS software for treatment planning in MRT, Ulm, Mannheim,Würzburg
Michael Lassmann, Julius-Maximilians-University, Germany

Dose calculation methods
Mike Stabin, Vanderbilt University, USA

Lund dosimetry incorporating Biological Effective Dose
Michael Ljungberg, Lund University, Sweden

Dosimetry at Royal Marsden Hospital / Institute of Cancer Research
Glenn Flux

Dosimetry at Southampton
Matt Guy, University Hospital Southampton, UK

Medical Device and Health software - Standards and regulations now and in the future
Justin McCarthy, Clin Eng Consulting Ltd, UK

Day 2: 21 April

Dosimetry experience at IEO, Milan
Mahila Ferrari, European Institute of Oncology, Italy

Erasmus experience
Mark Konijnenberg, Erasmus Medical Centre, Netherlands

Nantes experience
Ludovic Ferrer, Nantes Regional Cancer Institute, France

GE Healthcare
David Whalley

Alexander Fischer

HERMES Dosimetry Software: Current overview and future directions
Lee Jenkins

Dose escalation clinical trials
Prakash Manoharan, Christie NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Experience with a dosimetry-based PRRT trial at Reggio Emilia
Annibale Versari, Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, Italy

Dosimetry requirements and QA in a clinical trial
Elizabeth Miles, NCRI Radiotherapy Trials QA Group, UK

Basic Safety Standard Directive 2013/59/Euratom Article 56 - background, intentions and implications for UK transposition and implementation
Steve Ebdon-Jackson, Public Heath England, UK

For more information: Contact Vere Smyth