Cesky Metrologicky Institut Brno (CMI) - Czech Republic

CMI functions as the state administration body according to the Law No. 505/1990 Coll. on metrology in the fields of national standards, dissemination of units and measuring instruments legal metrological control.
The CMI activities include:
- Maintenance and technical development of national, primary and secondary standards including measurement units dissemination to secondary standards,
- Type testing, verification and calibration of measuring instruments,
- Scientific, development and research activities in the field of metrology,
- International cooperation in the field of metrology,
- Managing of certified standards and issuing their certificates.
The inspectorate for Ionising Radiation (CMI-IIR) is responsible for metrology in the field of ionising radiation. Besides other activities, CMI-IIR is experienced in radiochromic gel dosimeters, absolute activity measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. This knowledge will be used to achieve goals of the project individual tasks.
Role and main tasks in the JRP
CMI is the Leader of WP5. CMI also participates in WP2, 3, and 4 and 6.
For more information: Contact Ludmila Burianova