The National Institute of Ionising Radiation Metrology (ENEA-INMRI) - Italy

The National Institute of Ionising Radiation Metrology (ENEA-INMRI) is responsible for developing and providing the Italian national standards relating to ionising radiation quantities. ENEA-INMRI belongs to ENEA and is located at the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre, near Rome. ENEA-INMRI is one of the Italian signatories of the "Mutual Recognition of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration Certificates Issued by National Metrology Institutes" (MRA), the international arrangement describing the fundamental conditions of this mutual recognition.
The metrological activities at ENEA-INMRI are carried out along the following lines: Therapy level and industrial radiation processing dosimetry standards, Protection level dosimetry standards, Radionuclide and neutron standards.
A calibration service for instruments used in the measurement of ionising radiation is performed at ENEA-INMRI for medical, research, industrial and radiation protection purposes.
Besides the programmes concerning primary standards and calibration, the research activities at ENEA-INMRI deal with the more general field of research and standardisation in the field of radiation and radioactivity measurement, including the development of new detectors and detection methods, computer simulation, radioactivity reference materials.
Role and main tasks in the project
ENEA will participate in WPs 1, 2, 5, 6 and will lead the WP3 "Absorbed dose measurement". The contribution is based on knowledge and expertise in absolute activity measurements by liquid scintillation counting, calibration of ionisation chambers for short-lived radionuclides, primary and secondary standards for absorbed dose measurements, and Monte Carlo calculation based on EGSnrc, BEAMnrc, PENELOPE and GEANT codes.
For more information: Contact Vere Smyth