The Dutch Metrology Institute (VSL) - Netherlands

The Dutch Metrology Institute VSL is the national institute for metrology and standardisation and possesses all the Dutch national standards for SI units as well as the national standards for ionising radiation. Dosimetry standards for high energy photon beams, for medium and low energy X-rays and for brachytherapy sources have been developed in the past. Also for Beta sources an extrapolation chamber has been developed. A laboratory for activity measurements is available and calibrations can be performed on a secondary level.
Role and main tasks in the project
VSL participates in WPs 2, 3, 5 and 6. VSL will bring its experience in the development of dosimetry standards and procedures for the Measurement of absorbed dose from radionuclides. In addition the experience in Monte Carlo simulations codes will be used in WP3. For the measurements in WP3 the VSL facilities for activity measurements can be used.
For more information: Contact Vere Smyth