EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 6th European ANAMET Meeting, Training course: 'The Revision of EURAMET VNA Guide cg-12'

EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 5th European ANAMET Meeting, Workshop: 'VNA Uncertainty'

EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 4th European ANAMET Meeting, Training course: 'Multiport VNA Measurements'
EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 3rd European ANAMET Meeting, Workshop: 'Revising the EURAMET VNA Guide'
EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 2nd European ANAMET Meeting, Training course: 'Good practice with VNAs'
EMRP HF-Circuits Project: 1st European ANAMET Meeting, Workshop: 'Electronic Calibration Units'

EMRP HF-Circuits Project Kick-off Meeting
- Date: 12 July 2013
- Venue: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
The EMRP HF-Circuits Project held its first project management meeting at the National Physical Laboratory. This was an opportunity for the project partners to come together and plan all the activities due to take place in this project. The meeting was very successful and will be followed up by further project management meetings, taking place every six months or so, throughout the lifetime of the project.