MetroFission News & Events
An article about MetroFission published in Materials World

An article entitled 'Metrofission: the future?' has been published in the April 2012 edition of Materials World
MetroFission open meeting in Rome, 9-10 February 2012
For details, please follow the links below:
MetroFission will be at:
MetroFission at the Strategic Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) General Assembly in Warsaw, November 2011
A MetroFission article was also published in the SNETP
Improving temperature sensing for new reactors
An article on 'Improving temperature sensing for new reactors' was published in the November 2011 issue of Nuclear Engineering International
MetroFission at the iMEKO MI2011 conference, Cavtat, Croatia, 15-17 June 2011
Keynote lecture: L Johansson, J-R Filtz, P DeFelice, M Sadli, A Plompen, B Hay, A Dinsdale, S Pommé, P Cassette, J Keightley - Advanced Metrology for New Generation Nuclear Power Plants
- B Hay, K Anhalt, L Chapman, K Boboridis, J Hameury, S Krenek - High Temperature Thermophysical Properties of Advanced Materials for Nuclear Design
- G Failleau, T Deuzé, C J Elliott, J V Pearce, G Machin, S Briaudeau, M Sadli - Development of an Fe-C Eutectic Fixed-Point for the Calibration and In-Situ Monitoring of Thermocouples
- Jobbágy, M T Crespo, R Van Ammel, M Marouli, A Moens, S Pommé, E García-Toraño - Preparation of high-resolution 238U α-sources by electrodeposition from various electrolyte solutions
- J Keightley, P Cassette, L Johanssson - Radionuclide Metrology for New Generation Nuclear Power Plants
Consortium meeting held at CNAM, Paris St-Denis, France, on 2 February 2011
Presentation of MetroFission at the Euramet TC-IR (Technical Committee for Ionising Radiation) in Bratislava, 21-22 October 2010
MetroFission poster presented at NuMat 2010 in Karlsruhe, Germany
14-15 Sept 2010 - Kick-off meeting at NPL.
Extract from Metromnia, Summer 2010