WP6: JRP Management and Coordination

The management structure of the MetroMRT JRP consists of a Project Executive (PE) at NPL, an Advisory Board, and the Full JRP-Consortium.

The Project Executive will comprise:

  • JRP-Coordinator (Vere Smyth)
  • Scientific secretary, radioactivity (Lena Johansson)
  • Scientific secretary, dosimetry (Rebecca Nutbrown)

The PE will be in charge of the overall project organisation, planning and reporting. The PE will take care of relationships with the EURAMET e.V. (including overall project funding), interim and periodic progress reports and overall project presentation. The PE will also take an overall coordination role, with an overview of the progress and direction of each of the workpackages.

The Advisory Board consists of 3 experts from institutions which are not JRP-Partners to the JRP-Consortium in order to complement the expertise already in the JRP-Consortium and to enhance the links with the MRT community. They will be invited to attend all project meetings and they will advise the JRP-Consortium and the PE. The Advisory Board comprises:

  • Manuel Bardiès, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Toulouse, France
  • Markus Luster, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Ulm, Germany
  • George Sgouros, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, USA

The Full JRP-Consortium will be the decision-making body in accordance with the procedures set out in the JRP-Consortium Agreement. All matters requiring decisions concerning the work plan will be referred to the Full JRP-Consortium.

Task 6.1: Project meetings (NPL, All) (Start June 2012, End May 2015)

The PE will organise the following meetings for the Full JRP-Consortium.

Kick-off meeting in June 2012 to review the work plan of each of the workpackages with respect to the distribution of tasks among JRP-Partners and the overall objectives of the JRP; the Advisory Board will be formally appointed.

Interim meetings will be held on or near December 2012, June 2013, December 2013, June 2014, and December 2014, for a period of two days. These are held prior to reporting, and will critically review progress in the reporting period.

The final meeting in May 2015 will last three days, and will review the achievements of the JRP and initiatives to maximise the impact for the MRT community.

The PE may also organise workshops for individual workpackages, if requested by JRP-Consortium members, or the Advisory Board, or as seen necessary by the PE for the sake of coordinating and integrating the contributions from JRP-Partners.

Task 6.2: Project reports (NPL, All) (Start June 2012, End May 2015)

The PE, with the collaboration of all JRP-Partners, will prepare and submit the all reports required under the EMRP contract.

Task 6.3: Scientific advisors reports

The Scientific Advisors will be asked to provide a report at the end of each year of the JRP, giving their comments on any of the following:

  • Technical matters
  • Priorities
  • Advice on methods of dissemination
  • Any other matter that could benefit the JRP

For more information: Contact Vere Smyth