The Partners
Please click a logo for more information on our partners![]() |
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) |
NPL is a world-leading centre in the development and application of highly accurate measurement techniques. As the UK's national standards laboratory, NPL underpins the national measurement system, ensuring consistency and traceability of measurements throughout the UK. Other areas of expertise include the design and characterisation of engineering materials, and the development of mathematical software,
especially its application to measurement and instrumentation.
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Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) |
CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) is a public institution of research and teaching.
One of its institutes, INM (Institut National de Métrologie), lately renamed LCM (Laboratoire Commun de Métrologie) is in charge of research in the field of Metrology. It is funded by the French metrology piloted by LNE (Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais) in the frame of national research programs. Since 2008, LNE and CNAM are working at the technical level as a Joint Laboratory with the same scientific hierarchy and suite of common projects.
Since 1995, CNAM and in particular LCM developed several analysis techniques : an optical roughness-meter, a Thermal Desorption mass Spectrometry, a photothermal mirage effect device and several mass comparators. CNAM has a technical expertise in the field of surface quality, in surface contamination analysis, in characterising absorbability of cleaning solvents. For many years, CNAM has studied mass stability of mass standards and recently random roughness standards at the nanometric scale.
website : CNAM and Metrology Francaise
point of contact : Zaccaria Silvestri
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The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) |

Division web site:
JRP MADES Contact Person:
Dr. Harald Bosse
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National Metrology Institute of Finland |
MIKES is the National Metrology Institute of Finland. MIKES metrology realises the SI system measurement units in Finland, performs high-level metrological research and develops measuring applications in partnership with industry.
The MIKES Length group research activities cover wide range from realisation of national measurement standards instruments like stabilised lasers and interferometers to closely industry related issues like form, roughness and co-ordinate metrology. An example of recent development relevant to high accuracy surface topography measurement is the development of the interferometrically traceable AFM and
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Alicona |
We offer high resolution optical measurement solutions in research and production
We are a global supplier of optical 3D surface measurement solutions for quality assurance in the lab and in production. Our key competence is the measurement of form and roughness of even complex, miniaturized geometries. With Focus-Variation, our key technology, we offer a technique that combines the functionalities of a micro coordinate measurement machine (CMM) with those of a surface measurement system. For a user, this means to measure both form and roughness of components on an areal basis. The stable and robust technology of Focus-Variation delivers repeatable and traceable measurements even in a production near environment.
Our product range includes a number of standard as well as special solutions. Research and Development acts very close to the direct need of industry, which enables us to design both standard products as well as special solutions based on industrial partnerships.
The Alicona headquarters is situated in Austria. Additional subsidiaries are run in Germany, France, UK, USA and South Korea, and further expansion is continued. A global network of selected distributors make Alicona products worldwide available. and
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The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) |
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) is a self-owned and non-profit institution. The Danish Technological Institute is approved by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation as a GTS-institute (Approved Technological Service Institute).
The average number of full-time employees is 974 (2010) whereof 860 is academically qualified staff members.
We develop, apply and disseminate research- and technologically-based knowledge for the Danish and International business sectors. As such we participate in development projects which are of use to society in close collaboration with leading research and educational institutions both in Denmark and abroad.
Our most important task is to ensure that new knowledge and technology can quickly be converted into value for our customers in the form of new or improved products, materials, processes, methods and organisational structures. In 2010 DTI delivered services to 14,895 companies of which 9,449 were Danish.
DTI offer metrological services in the following fields: Anemometry and airflow, Humidity, Pressure and mass, Temperature, Water and energy flow, Force, hardness and impact resistance, Length and geometry.
We are appointed Danish Metrology Institute in the fields of water and energy flow, anemometry, Length and contact thermometry.
The Tribology Centre focuses on surface treatments by plasma based processes. This is both PVD, CVD, PN and ion implantation. In addition to tribological wear-resistant coatings also decorative coatings, medico and energy related coatings are developed. The Tribology Centre perform both commercial production as well as development.
Her Majesty the Queen is patron of the Danish Technological Institute
Contact: Mikkel Bo Nielsen,, telephone direct: +4572201256, Adress: Danish Technological Institute, Kongsvang Allé 29, Building 14, DK-8000 Aarhus C
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Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) |
The Chair Manufacturing Metrology is integrated in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). Next to the expertise in the field of micro and nano metrology the chair focuses on research in the field of coordinate measuring technology, optical metrology, computed tomography, multisensor techniques and measurement uncertainty analysis.
The Chair Manufacturing Metrology contributes to the project MADES with new methods for the evaluation of wear to tool materials based on 3D optical assessment of wear volume. Aim is the preparation of a good practice guide on the assessment of wear to tools.
The equipment of the chair builds a good base to achieve this aim. Measurement equipment with relevance to the JRP is:
Werth VideoCheck UA equipped with chromatic aberration probe, image processing sensor, tactile sensor and opto-tactile fiber probe.
Nano Positioning and Nano Measuring Machine (NNM-1) equipped with autofocus sensor, tunneling current sensor and white light interferometer
FRT MicroGlider equipped with chromatic aberration probe and atomic force microscope
Taylor Hobson Talysurf CCI: white light interferometer
Alicona InfinteFocus G4: focus variation system
Furthermore, the Precision Measurement Centre QFM, part of the chair, is the only university DAkkS accredited calibration laboratory for prismatic work pieces with coordinate measuring machines in Germany.
Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Tino Hausotte
Chair Manufacturing Metrology
Tel.: +49 - 9131 - 85 265 21
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The BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing |
BAM's main homepage
The division taking part in the project.
The BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing is a senior scientific and technical Federal Institute with responsibility to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The technological productivity of the Federal Republic of Germany is based on competitive high-quality products, which are to be ensured by innovative measurement and testing technology. BAM has its responsibility in:
- Advancement of safety in technology and chemistry
- Physical and chemical inspections of materials and plants including supply of reference methods and reference materials
- Promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology in BAM's key areas
- Collaboration in developing legal regulations like on safety standards and threshold values
- Consulting on safety aspects of materials technology for the Federal Government and industry.
BAM is the successor of the Public Materials Testing Office (Staatliches Materialprüfungsamt) founded in 1871 and of the Chemical-Technical State Institute (Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt) set up in 1920.
Our mission: Safety in technology and chemistry
Pursuing our mission as a Federal Institute for materials technology and chemical engineering, we ensure ongoing safety in technology and chemistry through
- Research and development
- Testing, analysis, approval and certification
- Consultation, information and advice
within our objective of promoting German and European industrial development.
Key areas of research
- Analytical chemistry
- Safe handling of dangerous materials and dangerous goods
- Safe and environmentally compatible use of materials
- Safe operation of technical systems and processes
- Damage mechanisms and damage analysis
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
VTTis the biggest multitechnological applied research organisation in Northern Europe. VTT provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. From its wide knowledge base, VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a substantial range of world class technologies and applied research services thus improving its clients' competitiveness and competence.
Through its international scientific and technology network, VTT can produce information, upgrade technology knowledge, create business intelligence and value added to its stakeholders.
VTT is a part of the Finnish innovation system under the domain of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT is a not-for-profit organisation. VTT has ISO9001:2008 certificate.
Turnover: VTT Group 292 M€ (31.12.2010)
Personnel: VTT Group 3,167 (1.1.2011)
President & CEO: Erkki KM Leppävuori
Established: 1942
Values & principles
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Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) |
The Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) is a public body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. INRIM is devoted to the study of the science of measurements and to research into materials; furthermore it works on developing innovative technologies and devices. Performing the duties of primary metrological Institute, INRIM realises the primary standards for the basic and derived units of the International System of units (SI), assures the maintenance of such standards, their international comparison, provides the national measurements traceability to the SI, represents Italy in the international metrology.
Its main research activities deal with the fundamental physical constants (e.g. Avogadro and Boltzmann constant), new primary standards, innovative materials, nanotechnology, quantum technologies (quantum information, imaging and metrology) metrology for chemistry and artificial vision.
INRIM supports local and European technological innovation for industry, participates in EU research programmes (e.g. it's partner in the Galileo project as for Time metrology), collaborates for the accreditation of the calibration laboratories in Italy, provides technical certification and consultancy services, promotes and divulges research supervising diffusion of the results by scientific literature, in the productive sectors and in the society
INRIM Web site:
Thermodynamics website:
INRIM Point of contact:
Thermodynamics Point of contact: