The project has a structure that will ensure that the project work is carried out effectively using the best measurement expertise from European NMIs. The work will provide the necessary innovative metrology to underpin and enable future product development across the European industry portfolio.
Metrology will be provided for the key areas:
- Measurement of very small wear volumes (WP2, WP4)
- Measurement of low friction (WP4)
- Measurement of the temperature at wear interfaces (WP3)
- Measurement of changes in chemistry at the contact interface between surfaces (WP2, WP3)
- Assessment of the durability of tribological surfaces (WP3)
Key to the success of this project is the strong industry engagement already in place. Alicona and VTT are providing free access to surface metrology expertise and tribological testing facilities to the project. Many other industry partnerships will be adding considerable value and gaining direct impact from this work including:
- Surface Engineering Suppliers: TecVac, IonBond, Teer Coatings, IST
- Instrument Manufacturers: Phoenix Tribology, Tetra
- End Users: Airbus, Rolls Royce, Aero Engine Controls, Sandvik, Glud and Marstrand
- Dissemination Collaborators: nCATS UK, E-Surf!, VITO, VAMAS, IST
The core research partners and their roles are:
- Nanoscale surface form metrology (PTB, NPL, MIKES, VTT, QFM, Alicona and CNAM)
- Temperature metrology (INRIM, DTI and NPL)
- Friction measurement (NPL, BAM)
- Assessment of the chemistry of surfaces (CNAM, NPL and BAM).
- Tribology and coating synthesis (NPL, BAM and DTI)

A very strong set of industry partnerships is already in place which offers a direct route to successful adoption of the outputs of this project by industry, leading to the rapid development of innovative industrial products. In addition, to reach as broad a European audience as possible key mechanisms that will be used include:
- A web portal for dissemination of outputs such as good practice guides, presentations and case studies;
- Conference presentations specifically targeted to reach major industry sectors, publication of scientific papers and technical articles in journals and the trade press;
- Training workshops, exchange of staff and focused visits to industry to transfer metrology expertise directly;
- Dissemination through coordination activities such as E-Surf!, VAMAS and appropriate groups in networking sites such as LinkedIn.
- An industrial focus group will be established with special interest groups to aid exploitation, such as:
- Through training course developed; through the REG partner to the tool making industry; marketing any devices developed.