T3D publications
Outputs from the project will be made available on this page as the project progresses.
- Database of specimen measurements conducted by partners during the T3D project - for further information, please contact Dr Arthur van de Nes at VSL or use the contact form on this website.
All downloads are Adobe Acrobat PDF files, unless other stated, where Permission to Publish has been granted.
- M. Schalles, EUSPEN Special Interest Group Meeting: 'Thermal Issues', Zurich, 19-20 March 2014
Presentation - A.S. Maxwell and X. Hou, poster presentation on 'High Temperature Nanoindentation' Institute of Physics Meeting on Nanoindentation at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK, 18 March 2013
- D. Voigt, Arthur van der Nes, 'EMRP project T3D' gave poster at 'Topical User Meeting Dimensional Metrology', Delft, The Netherlands, 28 March 2012
- K. Bouderbala, E. Videcoq, M. Girault, H. Nouira, J. Salgado, D. Petit, gave poster on 'Régulation en température d'un appareil de mesuredimensionnel : contrôle MPC et LQG par modèle réduit' Annual conference of the French society of thermal science, Geradmer, France, 28-31 May 2013
- D. Heyer, B. Polomski und S. Rudtsch, 'Untersuchung binärer eutektischer Legierungen für die Kalibrierung von Berührungsthermometern im Raumtemperaturbereich', Temperatur 2013, Berlin, Germany, 5-6 June 2013
- K. Bouderbala, E. Videcoq, M. Girault, H. Nouira, J. Salgado, D. Petit, gave presentation on 'Model reduction and thermal regulation by Model Predictive Control of a new cylindricity measurement apparatus', TEMPMEKO 2013, Funchal, Portugal, 14-18 October 2013
Presentation - M. Schalles, gave presentation on 'Comparison of modelling approaches', TEMPMEKO 2013, Funchal Portugal, 14-18 October 2013
Presentation - J. Flügge, gave a presentation on 'Höchstauflösende Interferometrie für die Rückführung auf die SI Basiseinheit Meter', Company Seminar SIOS, Ilmenau, Germany, 5 November 2013
- Jens Flugge gave a presentation on 'The EMRP Project Thermal design and dimensional drift' at the 12th Euspen International Conference in Stockholm, June 2012
Download abstract and presentation - Dirk Voigt and Rob H Bergmans gave a presentation on 'Dimensional stability validation and sensor calibration with sub-nanometer accuracy' at ICSO, 2012
Download abstract - Dirk Voigt gave a presentation on 'Precision interferometry for traceable sub-nanometer displacement measurements' at the Precision Fair, December 2011
Download presentation
- Jose Salgado, 'Good Practice Guide on Thermal modelling of precision engineering equipment', LNE, France, 2015 (D4.1.5)
- Marc Schalles and Jens Flügge, 'Good Practice Guide on Locating and control of cooling devices on thermal sensitive equipment', PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, 2015 (D4.2.5)
- Arthur van de Nes, 'VSL Picodrift Interferometer: Results of the working prototype Picodrift Interferometer', VSL, Delft, Netherlands, 2015 (D1.2.6)
- H. Lorenz, 'Good Practice Guide: Optimising the thermal stability of joints', PTB, Germany, 2015
- A.S. Maxwell and L. Mera Alvarez, 'Good Practice Guide: Guidelines for high temperature nanoindentation', NPL, UK, 2014
- M. Schalles, 'Good Practice Guide on Developing instruments with minimal thermal sensitivity', Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Germany, 2014
- D. Voigt, 'Optical Design Review', EMRP JRP IND13 Thermal Design and Dimensional Drift Deliverable D1.1.1, VSL, 2012
- D. Voigt, 'Instrument Design', EMRP JRP IND13 Thermal Design and Dimensional Drift, Deliverable D1.1.2, VSL, 2012
- A.S. Maxwell and X. Hou, 'Procedure for MicroMaterial Nanotest Depth Calibration with Jamin Interferometer', EMRP JRP IND13 Thermal Design and Dimensional Drift, Deliverable D1.1.3, NPL, 2012
- B. Polomski, and S. Rudtsch, 'Eutectic Liquidus Temperatures of Gallium and Gallium alloys', EMRP JRP IND13 Thermal Design and Dimensional Drift, Deliverable D3.1.1, PTB, 2011
Presentations from the T3D training workshop held in Croatia, June 2014:
- Jens Flügge: Introduction
Presentation - Tony Maxwell: Indentation at elevated temperatures
Presentation - Hagen Lorenz: Sample preparation for interferential measurements of long time stability and thermal dilatation
Presentation - Arthur van der Nes: Heterodyne interferometry for high resolution stability measurements
Presentation - Kamélia Bouderbala: Thermal design and control using reduced models
Presentation - Steffen Rudtsch: Fixed point cells using binary alloys
Presentation - Jens Flügge: Thermocouples at room temperature
- Hagen Lorenz: Sample preparation for interferential measurements of long time stability and thermal dilatation
Presentation(Zip file 102 MB)
- Thermal Design and Dimensional Drift Project (T3D) poster EMRP meeting November 2010