EMINDA Technical Publications
- Uwe Arz, 'On-Wafer-Messverfahren für dielektrische Substrateigenschaften bis 110 GHz', PTB-Bericht PTB-E-99, 2012
- Karsten Kuhlmann and Uwe Arz, 'Uncertainties in Split-Cylinder Resonator Measurements', 79th ARFTG Conference Digest, pp. 121-124, 22.06.2012. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1230-1,
- Uwe Arz, 'Introduction to Advanced Dielectric Measurement Techniques Millimeter-Wave Measurements: On-Wafer Techniques', IMS 2012 Workshop Electronic Notes, 18.06.2012
- Jerzy Krupka, 'Introduction to Advanced Dielectric Measurement Techniquess: Substrate Measurements with Split Post Dielectric Resonators', IMS 2012 Workshop Electronic Notes, 18.06.2012
- Jerzy Krupka, Łukasz Usydus and Henryk Kołtuniak, 'Surface resistance and conductivity of rough surfaces of metals on printed circuit boards and metalized ceramic substrates', MIKON Conference Digest, 2012. 21.05.2012
- Johannes Hoffmann, Michael Wollensack, Markus Zeier, Jens Niegemann, Hans-Peter Huber, Ferry Kienberger, 'A Calibration Algorithm for Nearfield Scanning Microwave Microscopes', IEEE Nano 2012 Conference Digest, pp 1-4, 4.10.2012. ISBN 978-1-4673-2198-3
- Andrew Gregory, Ling Hao, Norbert Klein, John Gallop, Cecilia Mattevi, Olena Shaforost, Kevin Lees, Bob Clarke, 'Spatially resolved electrical characterisation of graphene layers by an evanescent field microscope', Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nano-structures, 56, February 2014, pp. 431-434, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2012.10.006
- Jerzy Krupka, 'Contactless methods of conductivity and sheet resistance measurement for
semiconductors, conductors and superconductors', Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (2013) 062001. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/24/6/062001
- Uwe Arz, Dylan F. Williams, 'Uncertainties in Complex Permittivity Extraction from Coplanar Waveguide Scattering-Parameter Measurements', 81th ARFTG Conference Digest, 07/06/2013.
- Jens Niegemann, 'A generalized modeling approach for the frequency shift in near-field scanning microwave microscopes', IEEE Explore, Sept. 2013.
The research within this EURAMET joint research project receives funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme, ERA-NET Plus,
under Grant Agreement No. 217257.