Latest News
July 2014
Our EMINDA project ended on 30 June 2014. We are very pleased that it ran so well and that it achieved major objectives. On the 'Work Package' web pages you can read about the metrological advances that EMINDA promoted. A number of the new facilities developed by the NMI (National Measurement Institute) project partners through EMINDA are already being used to support external organisations, and new measurement services for industry arising from this work are being targeted by the NMIs. Further information on these advances is now available via scientific papers that describe the technical work in EMINDA. You can access a list of the papers published so far here. Publication of papers is continuing and further details will be added to the list when they emerge.
The NMI partners in EMINDA worked closely with European Industries to ensure that the work undertaken was relevant to industrial needs - there were 11 collaborator organisations from industry and research institutes who supported us in this project. Please consult our Support for Industry pages, shortly to be updated, for information on NMI capabilities for EM Materials Measurement in Europe.
We also worked with two leading European universities - ETH, Zurich and Imperial College London - to ensure that our research in this field was at the cutting edge. We were very grateful that we were able to extend our collaborations with them through Researcher Excellence Grants (REGs) right through to the end of the EMINDA project.
In addition to the metrological R&D that was undertaken in EMINDA, the project also supported the European Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Club (EMMA Club) which has continued to thrive during the three-year duration of EMINDA. Our first international EMMA Club meeting was held in Paris on 11 June 2012. Subsequently, during our Partners' meetings in Warsaw in December 2012 and Braunschweig in December 2013, we held local EMMA Club meetings for scientists and engineers in Poland and Germany respectively. In June 2013, the EMMA Club ran a Workshop on Dielectric Measurements in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Some of the Good Measurement Practice guidance from the Ljubljana workshop is now available on this website. A number of these events included hands-on demonstrations of measurements which proved to be valuable for attendees. Our final international EMMA Club meeting under the auspices of EMINDA was held NPL, Teddington, UK on 22 May 2014. This was a successful and informative event with 40 attendees present in addition to the project partners. Details of this meeting can be found here. Feedback from these meetings has revealed that attendees greatly appreciate the benefits offered by the EMMA Club and we are making attempts to ensure that the club can continue now that its EMINDA funding has ceased.
The Partners in EMINDA would like to thank all of our project collaborators and EMMA Club members for the valuable support and advice they have given us throughout the EMINDA project.
Please use our Contact page to let us know about your interests in RF and Microwave EM materials measurement and to ask us questions about the EMINDA project and its outputs.