Good Measurement Practice in RF and Microwave Dielectric Measurements
Good Practice in measurement is very important. It can make all the difference between delivering accurate measurements that can be trusted and inaccurate measurements in which we can have no confidence. Good Practice can also contribute significantly to the cost-effectiveness of measurements and can potentially save us a good deal of time.
On these web-pages we aim to include a number of presentations on good practice. Three of these are now available:
- The Role of Metrological Good Practice - with Particular Reference to RF and Microwave Dielectric Measurements
- Good Practice in Specimen Preparation, Specimen Handling & Thickness Measurement
- Low frequency electromagnetic materials characterization best practice guidance
We plan to add further entries over the next few months.
Note that a guide on RF and Microwave Measurements on Materials is already available from NPL.
We welcome your feedback here.