EMMA Club Past Events
Meeting Report:
The European EMMA Club Meeting
Teddington, UK - Thursday 22 May 2014
This meeting was hosted by NPL. There were 10 technical presentations on a wide variety of RF and Microwave electromagnetic material measurements, including two keynote presentations by prominent international experts in the field of microwave dielectric measurement: Professor Jerzy Krupka from Warsaw University of Technology and Professor Norbert Klein from Imperial College London. Please see the Agenda here for details. There were 40 attendees from all over Europe at the meeting in addition to the EMINDA project partners and the presentations were also broadcast via a webinar. Poster and demonstration sessions gave attendees the chance to discuss measurement approaches and issues, and a number of attendees took up the opportunity to view the NPL Electromagnetic Materials laboratories after the meeting. Feedback from this meeting has shown that the attendees found this to be a very worthwhile event, which encourages us to look for new sources of funding for the EMMA Club now that its EMINDA funding has ceased.
Meeting Report:
EMMA Club Workshop on Electromagnetic
Materials Measurement Good Practice
Ljubljana, Slovenia - Thursday 13
June 2013
The workshop was hosted by SIQ, the Slovenian National Measurement Institute. Its aim was to provide practical advice and guidance on good practice for electromagnetic material measurements on dielectrics and other materials at RF and MW frequencies. The workshop was aimed at scientists and engineers, both those with experience in the field and those just starting out. The presentations were given by EMINDA partners, who also offered demonstration sessions covering actual dielectric measurements. The schedule allowed plenty of time for discussions, for sharing experiences and for imparting advice on measurement problems. This was a very fruitful day for all involved: over 30 people were present at the workshop.
You can see the Agenda for this meeting here
Meeting Report:
Local EMMA Club Meeting
Warsaw, Poland -
5 December 2012
This meeting was held during the EMINDA Partners' meeting in Warsaw. It aimed to present the aims and work of EMINDA to Polish scientists and engineers. This event included a hands-on demonstration of measurements and proved to be a valuable occasion for all who attended.
Meeting Report:
First European Meeting of the EMMA
LNE, Paris, France - 11 June 2012
The central aims of this meeting were to open the EMMA Club to a wider European membership and to introduce our European project 'EMINDA - Electromagnetic Characterisation of Materials for Industrial Applications up to Microwave Frequencies'. The EMMA Club is funded through EMINDA which has a specific remit to ensure that dielectric measurement research activities at the European National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) will have real impact in supporting European Industries.
The meeting was a great success with over 40 participants, either present at the meeting or attending via the webinar. There was a general agreement that the EMMA Club plays a useful role in disseminating information about RF and Microwave Dielectric metrology and every attempt will be made to ensure that the club can continue beyond the lifetime of IND02-EMINDA.
You can see the Agenda for this meeting here.