The European Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Club (EMMA Club)

The European Electromagnetic Materials Measurements and Applications Club (EMMA Club), co-ordinated by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has been created to promote knowledge, good practice and know-how for dielectric and EM materials measurement. Until recently, the EMMA Club was funded by the EMINDA project and since June 2012 a number of successful club meetings have been run across Europe, the most recent being held in May 2014. Details of these meetings can be found here.

As the EMINDA project ended in June 2014, the EMMA Club is currently unfunded, but we are seeking alternative funds to ensure that it can continue its metrological mission.

The aims of the EMMA Club are:

  • To provide a discussion forum for scientists and engineers who have an interest in measuring the electromagnetic properties of materials:

    • dielectric, magnetic, passive, functional and multifunctional materials

    • solids, liquids, natural, manufactured and metamaterials

    • at scales from macro to nano

  • To present the latest scientific and technical developments relating to the measurement and applications of electromagnetic materials.

  • To provide a consultation forum through which future European programmes of dielectric and electromagnetic materials research can be informed.

Details of the wide coverage of the EMMA Club can be found here


Contact Bob Clarke and Kevin Lees at or use our Contact page