Meeting Report: The First European Meeting of the EMMA-Club held at LNE, Paris, France on Monday 11th June 2012.
The central aims of this meeting were to open the EMMA-Club to a wider European membership and to introduce our European project "EMINDA - Electromagnetic Characterisation of Materials for Industrial Applications up to Microwave Frequencies" . The EMMA-Club is funded through EMINDA which has a specific remit to ensure that dielectric measurement research activities at the European National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) will have real impact in supporting European Industries.
The meeting was a great success with over 40 participants, either present at the meeting or attending via the webinar. There was a general agreement that the EMMA-Club plays a useful role in disseminating information about RF and Microwave Dielectric metrology and every attempt will be made to ensure that the club can continue beyond the lifetime of IND02-EMINDA.
You can see the Agenda for this meeting here.
Upcoming Events
We plan to run a Dielectric Metrology Workshop in May or June of 2013, almost certainly in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Our aim is to run another open meeting of the EMMA-Club in summer 2014.
Details of these activities will appear on this website.