International Timescales with Optical Clocks

JRP publishable report

JRP publishable summary

Presentations given at final workshop on 'Optical clocks: quantum engineering and international timekeeping'


Fritz Riehle, Towards a redefinition of the SI second by optical clocks: Achievements and challenges

Helen Margolis, Overview of the ITOC project

Franziska Riedel, Remote optical and fountain clock comparison using broadband TWSTFT and GPS PPP


Metrological characterization of the INRIM Yb lattice clock, B. Rauf, M. Pizzocaro, P. Thoumany, G. Milani, G. Bolognesi, F. Bregolin, M. Gozzelino, F. Levi and D. Calonico

PTB's transportable strontium lattice clock, Stefan Vogt, Jacopo Grotti, Silvio Koller, Sebastian Häfner, Sofia Herbers and Christian Lisdat

Determination of optimized frequency and frequency ratio values from over-determined sets of clock comparison data, Helen Margolis and Patrick Gill

Satellite link performance for optical clock comparison, Franziska Riedel, Erik Benkler, Dirk Piester, Julia Leute, Joseph Achkar, Pacôme Delva, Ilaria Sesia, Giancarlo Cerretto, Massimiliano Rotondo, Peter B. Whibberley, Setnam Shemar, Helen S. Margolis and Pascale Defraigne

Evaluation of relativistic effects in two-way satellite time and frequency transfer, Setnam Shemar, Andrew Lamb and Fiona Rust

Gravity potential for optical clock comparisons, Heiner Denker, Ludger Timmen and Christian Voigt

Time-variable components of the gravity potential field, Christian Voigt, Heiner Denker and Ludger Timmen

Relativistic corrections for time and frequency transfer in optical fibres, Jan Gersl, Pacôme Delva and Peter Wolf



The research within this EURAMET joint research project receives funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, ERA-NET Plus, under Grant Agreement No. 217257.

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