NMI RF and Microwave Electromagnetic (EM) Materials Measurement Capabilities in Europe.
Can European NMIs help you with your RF and Microwave Materials Measurements and Research Requirements?
Besides promoting novel collaborative research into the accurate measurement of Electromagnetic Materials (EM), the EMINDA project allows a number of European National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) to work together to provide a wide capability for EM materials measurement. These pages tell you about the existing capability at the NMIs in the EMINDA project, they will be added to as the project delivers new capability.
The NMIs not only provide a measurement service for materials, they are keen to work with industrial and academic collaborators in research investigations in the field of EM materials measurement. The menu below gives details of both measurement services and commitments to relevant research areas for each of the NMIs in EMINDA, including the wider field of RF and Microwave measurements.
The following NMIs are happy to discuss these possibilities with you: NPL (UK), GUM (Poland), LNE (France), METAS (Switzerland), SIQ (Slovenia). For historical reasons, at present NPL has the widest capability for EM materials measurement, but one aim of the project is to build up this capability across Europe and by 2014 we anticipate a broader spread of capability across the NMIs in this project.
Please select from the Menu to see what the present NMI capabilities are: